23 September 2008

The Julie Chronicles - Chapter One

I have a neighbor who I call Crazy Julie. She is an absolute scatter-brain, names and feeds the local squirrel populace and tells me the zaniest stories about her life when we go for our evening exercise walks (about three miles of me giggling about her life stories!)

I was telling Andrew about a few Julie-isms last night and it dawned on me that I should share her life lessons. Basically, read about a situation Julie has found herself in, read how she handles it, then do the complete opposite, because she is just a magnificent comedy of errors.

Chapter One - Never Be The First To Say "I Love You"

About a decade ago, while living in San Francisco, Julie was dating a guy she really felt a great connection with. Things were going very well and before she knew it, they hit the six month mark. For this anniversary, he took her for candle lit meal. The atmosphere dripping with romance, Julie decided it was time to say the big three words.

As they ate their salads, she gazed across the table at her boyfriend. "I love you," she said.

He looked at her. "Thank you; I'm flattered," he replied, then continued to eat his food.

They broke it off soon afterward.

After telling me this, Julie informed me that the worst thing you can do in a relationship is be the first to say "I love you."

Hmmm...I wonder...if no one if brave enough to say it first, how is it ever going to be said? Someone has to go out on a limb with it, don't they?

Perhaps, instead of refusing to say it first, one should just gage their personal situation better than Crazy Julie seemed to. On the other hand, should one just tell the absolute truth about how one feels and say it regardless?

As wrong as I think Julie rule is, I'm not sure what the answer really is. Maybe, rules just don't apply.

1 comment:

toni said...

Everyone has to have a Julie friend. It's someone that makes you see your life isn't as crazy or bad as you think.