09 September 2008

People I Really Like - Part One

Name: Christopher

Relation: Little brother extraordinaire

  1. Turd Ferguson, Esquire (was plain "Turd Ferguson" before obtaining Juris Doctorate degree)

  2. The Boy

  3. Jessica's Husband

One reason why I like him: He's the only person I know who's as competitive as me when playing games (we once played a 17-hour game of Monopoly because neither one of us would concede the game!)

I've known him for: Well, since the day he was born

The story behind this picture: This was taken in JFK hospital in Turnersville, NJ. The little black sign on the door in front of him reads PFT Room. We thought "PFT" sounded like a fart noise and debated whether or not the medical study of farts were conducted behind that door. Hence, the pose.

Something only he will understand: Wheelie Apple Head

1 comment:

Liz Anne said...

OMG I love it!