14 October 2008

"It's a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, inside an enigma."

Last Tuesday I bought three little gourds and two little pumpkins.

I woke up last Wednesday to find two little gourds and two little pumpkins. One of the pumpkins had also been nibbled on. A treacherous squirrel stole a gourd and nibbled a pumpkin.

Over the weekend, one of the two remaining gourds disappeared. More nibbles appeared on the pumpkin.

Yesterday the remaining gourd was half devoured. Pumpkin # one was also half devoured. Pumpkin # two had slight nibbles.

Tonight, when I got home from picking up my car, there were two pumpkins and two gourds. A mystery gourd appeared out of no where.

Did the squirrel populace feel bad for destroying my fall bounty and snatch me a replacement gourd?

I have no answers.

Two gourds and no answers.

(My title is from JFK.)


Liz Anne said...

That is freaking HYSTERICAL!

Jennifer said...

Mystery solved! Crazy Julie left me a gourd. She said she felt bad that the squirrels she feeds ate my stuff.

Liz Anne said...

That she just left it there is great! I would love to have seen your face when that second gourd appeared.