02 October 2010

What a wonderful world...

So many wonderful things have happened and are on the horizon, I just wanted to take a moment to count my many blessings.


My best friend of 24 years, Diane, gave birth to her first child on September 17, 2010. Please welcome my newest love, Andrew (Drew for short) into this world. Everyone is happy and healthy.


Tomorrow is my cousin, Kaeleigh's 16th birthday party. I am so excited to spend time with the whole family. Mom, Chris, Jessie, Zoe, Liz, Kaeleigh, hopefully Drew, uncles, aunts, cousins galore! Cannot wait!

High School Reunion

My 20 year high school reunion in on October 16. My friend (and fellow blogger), Toni, is flying in from Phoenix for the weekend and staying at my place. I haven't seen her in 20 years and am so excited. Also looking forward to seeing William, who was one of my closest friends at Camden Catholic. It promises to be a fun night/weekend!


My friend Sean, who lives in Germany, just informed me he is most likely visiting Philly this month and I hope to see him. I saw him in January and in July, but it is not enough. I miss him so much and wish he'd move back home.

So there it is...all the happiness that surrounds me in a nutshell.

What's making you happy right now?


Anonymous said...

I'm really rather shocked that I wasn't on this list. Frankly, I'm shocked I wasn't #1 on this list. Well, while I'm being honest, I'm shocked I wasn't the ENTIRE list!

I'm just saying.

Jennifer said...

Hey Anon,

Are you an anon I know or don't know? Just curious.