08 May 2011

The Flying Cross

If you were to ask me if I am a superstitious person, I would most likely reply in the negative. However, that would be a bit of a fib for there is one thing I am totally superstitious about. The flying cross.

The flying cross is a simple gold cross on a thin gold chain. It was a gift from my mom years and years ago when I preferred yellow gold over silver...think mid-1980's.

In later years I only wore the cross when I flew on airplanes because I believe you can't pull out too many charms when catapulting through the sky in a metal tube. But that's me.

On September 11, 2001 the flying cross was in my hand during my blessed flight, for I broke the chain prior to my flight. On that trip I bent one of the arms of the cross for I held it so tight, not to lose it.

After that trip I bought a Saint Christopher metal to join the cross. Saint Christopher, as you may know, is the Roman Catholic Patron Saint of travelers. As I mentioned above, you can't pull out too many charms when catapulting through the sky in a metal tube. And I figured the cross may need a helping hand after keeping me safe on September 11.

I cannot fly without these items. I cannot.

I have a business trip coming up and the other day I found the gold chain with only the Saint Christopher metal on my bedroom floor. One of the kitties must have knocked it off of my dresser.

Where was the flying cross?

I have been filled with panic for days trying to find it. How can I possibly get on a plane without my protective adornment?

I am happy to say that today I found my little bent cross. I breathed an amazing sigh of relief as I held the delicate cross in my hand.

So am I superstitious? Well, I guess I am. But only when when catapulting through the sky in a metal tube.

But that's me.

1 comment:

Liz Anne said...

Your cousin Meredith would inform you that you have a better change of being kicked to death by a donkey than dying in a plane crash. She has informed me of this before more than one flight to try and calm my nerves. I am petrified of flying and anything that helps, even just my state of mind, is welcome.