05 November 2008

The absent blogger

Hello, dear readers.

Yes, I know, I have been a neglectful blogger recently. What can I say? I just stink. I have been very sleepy during the week and super-busy on the weekends. Suddenly, two weeks have passed without word one from moi!

So here I am.

I saw my boy last weekend. I don't write about him much because I don't want him getting all self-conscious because he reads my blog. Let's just say that there's a boy in this world that I think is awesome and I got to spend the weekend with him. Happiness.

Jessie and Chris had a Halloween party Saturday night. All the usual suspects were there...fun was had by all.

There's a new President Elect and I am overjoyed. Change is finally here.

Saturday night is Liz's 40th birthday party and Diane's bachelorette party. Love my girls. I will be at both, God willing.

Crazy Julie stopped by this evening with a gourmet dog cookie in the shape of a donkey for Saffron. Saff's been carrying around her stuffed elephant a lot lately, causing me to suspect she's a Republican. Crazy Julie wanted to change Saff's political affiliation through the cunning use of snacks.

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