09 November 2008

My pictures of you...

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess whose only flaw was that she took lots of pictures and never uploaded them from her camera. And so one day she sat on her sofa and began the digital process. Alas! Photographs to share with family and friends. And all the subjects loved the beautiful princess.


Sean came as my brother, Christopher. Note the angry eyebrows!

Diane was a witch and I was myself, in 1988. I made my high school uniform and wore too much makeup and combat boots!

Bachelorette Night

Here's Diane with the blow up penis Samantha got her!

Samantha and her little friend.

We take a group shot of the four of us whenever we're together.
Jessica, Diane, me and Samantha

Elizabeth's Birthday
Jessica is holding a jar of honest-to-goodness moonshine!
We all had a taste.
Now my life is complete!

My camera battery died not long after getting to this shindig. I'll have to wait to get Jessica's pictures before I can really share.

1 comment:

Liz Anne said...

Yes! Bring on Jess's pics. I don't have an pictures from last night yet. A few things of note...

1. I listened to Free to be you and me with my nephew this morning.

2. Sammi's cupcakes were amazing at around midnight, which is when I realized what was on those picks stuck in the cupcake.

3. It was so great to see you last night. Celebrating birth our birthdays together in the same year... we haven't done that in about 20 years. It's about time!