19 June 2011

The Top Five - Things That Creep Me Out

1. Bathtubs.
Well, not the tubs themselves, but the sheer thought of laying in one and taking a bath. I am strictly a shower kind of girl. The thought of stewing in the same water for a given period of time actually makes me feel a little nauseous. Weird, huh? This is also related to my fear of swimming in oceans, lakes or any body of water without a running filter and tons of chlorine.

2. Hair that detaches.

Blech! Eeeewww...I can't even think about it too much. I skeeve every time I wash my hair and little strands come off in my hands in the shower...and it's my own hair. All I can say is it's a good thing I'm not a hairdresser.

3. Clowns.

I know they're supposed to be all happy and jovial, but underneath the forced grins, I think they're pure evil and plotting to kill us all. I blame the film Poltergeist for this fear. (Shivers...)

4. The smell of roasting chestnuts.

Every darn time I'm in NYC in the fall or winter and stop to cross a street, I inevitably am next to a vendor who opens the damn roasting chestnuts and the smoke blows right in my face. This odd and smelly phenomena has plagued me since childhood.

5. Yucky tootsies.

This is far worse in summer than any other time of year because of sandals, but I freak at the sight of feet that are all scaley and cracked. Eek! Seriously, invest in some lotion!

It's Blogger Challenge week and that mean Cousin Elizabeth and I are in serious competition! Well, not really, we're just blogging on the "Top Five" of anything we chose. Read Liz' blog here.

1 comment:

heather said...

Jen- I'm the same way with clowns!! I'm sorry but, it's just plain ol creepy about a man dressed like that!! It's not right