08 December 2008

And to all, a good night

Twas two weeks before Christmas and I left late from work
Merged onto I-95 with the drivers berserk
I crossed Betsey Ross and entered my state
To finally get home, I couldn't wait

On Route 73 South I made a a detour
To purchase more gifts at the Barnes & Noble store
A movie, a book and back in my car
Soon to be home; I wasn't that far

I drove in the lot and put Ginger in park
Grabbed my purse and my gifts, then I heard my dog bark
Quick! Get the mail and unlock the door
There's my little dog...hey, what's that on the floor?

It smelled kind of funky and trailed from room to room
I knew what had happened and prepared for the doom
Armed with detergent and gloves, I was bound
To clean up the diarrhea left by my hound

I scrubbed and I scrubbed; get out of here smell!
And when I was finished you couldn't tell
How funky it had been in here on this cold winter night
Stinky Christmas to all; and to all a good night

My title and post are inspired by Twas the Night Before Christmas


Liz Anne said...

Brilliant. Poor Saff, but brilliant.

La Rivera said...

I am SO impressed. Best Christmas poopie rhyme ever.

toni said...

How did you find the time to compose that? Poopulent!

Hey, get on Facebook. I'm in the midst of scanning pics, and you will be on there!