03 June 2010

Book 'em, Danno

The Crime

Last week PSE&G began digging new electrical lines in Voorhees. At one point during the digging my cable and Internet service went out. I called Comcast and was informed there was a high outage in my area (I assumed the digging hit a cable) and that Comcast would call me when service was restored.

I got the call a few days later, but my Internet was still down. The next day? Still no Internet. When I asked Crazy Julie if hers was fine, she affirmed she had no issues.

"Great," I say to myself, "how freaking hard is this going to be for me to figure out how to fix?"

It's at this point I notice that none of the lights on my wireless router are on. I squeeze behind my bookcases and find my router has been unplugged.

The Suspects

1 comment:

Josh said...

That is frustrating. Simple advice...get a dog, make catfood. :D